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An increase in blood pressure can lead to increased urine volume as the kidneys work to remove excess fluid and waste products from the blood. This helps to mai
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Will blood viscosity increase or decrease due to a low hematocrit?

Asked by Wiki User

Blood viscosity will decrease with low hematocrit levels because hematocrit is a measure of the proportion of red blood cells in the blood. With fewer red blood
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Infectious Diseases


How might antihistamines affect the blood?

Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Antihistamines can cause side effects like drowsiness and dizziness by crossing the blood-brain barrier. They can also lead to dry mouth, 비아그라 먹는법 blurred vision, and u
>Read mor

>Blood Pressure


>Is high blood pressure a dominant or recessive gene?

>Asked by Wiki User

>High blood pressure is not determined by a single gene, but rather by a combination of genetic, 비아그라 먹는법 environmental, and 비아그라 부작용 lifestyle factors. This means that it is no
r>Read mo

r>Blood Pressure</<br>


r>How does carbon monoxide increase blood pressure?</<br>

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin in the blood more readily than oxygen, leading to decreased oxygen delivery to tissues. This triggers the release of stres
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r>Global Warming</<br>


r>What are some factors that increase and decrease blood pressure?</<br>

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>Factors that can increase blood pressure include stress, obesity, high salt intake, and smoking. Factors that can decrease blood pressure include regular exer
r>Read mo



r>What pressure will increase if the presence of plasma proteins in the blood increases?</<br>

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>The colloid osmotic pressure (COP) will increase when the presence of plasma proteins in the blood increases. Colloid osmotic pressure plays a crucial role in
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r>Cardiovascular Health</<br>


r>What is the principles relating to blood flow and pressure and resistance?</<br>

r>Asked by LaineBailoniBishop</<br>

r>Blood flow is directly proportional to the pressure difference between two points in a blood vessel and inversely proportional to the resistance in the vessel
r>Read mo



r>Why does pressure increase as elevation increase?</<br>

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>Pressure decreases with higher elevation because there are fewer air molecules above exerting a downward force. As elevation increases, the atmosphere becomes
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r>Cardiovascular Health</<br>


r>Control mechanism that lower blood pressure in response to a rapid rise in blood pressure are calle

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>Baroreceptors are the control mechanisms that detect changes in blood pressure and help regulate it. When there is a rapid rise in blood pressure, barorecepto
r>Read mo



r>How are blood pressure and barometric pressure associated?

r>Asked by Wiki User</<br>

r>Changes in barometric pressure can affect blood pressure, especially in individuals who have cardiovascular conditions. When barometric pressure drops, 비아그라사이트 it ca
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br>Blood Pressure<<br>

br>Is blood pressure 91 over 51?

br>Asked by Wiki User<<br>

br>Normal blood pressure is 120/80 no matter what your age is.

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