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Answer and 비아그라사이트 Explanation: Scientists use scientific names for organisms so that it is universally understood what organism they are referring to. Different langu
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>Animal Health


>Cestoda are ectoparasite or 비아그라사이트 endoparasite?</<br>

r>Asked by Wiki User

r>Cestoda are endoparasites, which means they live inside their host's body, particularly in the digestive system. They have specialized adaptations for this li
r>Read mo

r>Flower Gardening</<br>


r>Is china rose the other name of hibiscus flower?</<br>



Yes, "China rose" is another name for the hibiscus flower, particularly the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis species commonly fou
n Asia. T





What is the scientific name for



ki User

Homo sapiens is the scientific name for 비아그라 구매 the species to which the first caveman belonged.

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