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Location: Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. Place: The island is known for its unique biodiversity, including lem
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Units of Measure


What are French lengths?

Asked by Wiki User

French lengths are a traditional unit of measurement often used in tailoring and fashion design. They are typically used to measure fabric or trimmings, with on
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Is Kenya bigger than France?

2023\ub144 \uc720\ub7fd \uc11c\uba38\ud0c0\uc784 \uc885\ub8cc! \uc708\ud130\ud0c0\uc784 \uc2dc\uc791!! - \uc720\ub85c\ub098\ub77cAsked by Wiki User

No, France is around 4 times bigger than Kenya in terms of land 유로247 area. France covers approximately 551,695 square kilometers, while Kenya covers around 580,367
>Read mor



>Is France or Germany furthest east?
>Asked by Wiki User

>Germany is further east than France.

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