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Senseo Coffee Pods

Senseo is the Dutch invention that makes coffee at the touch of a button. Developed by Douwe Egberts and Philips, the machine heats water and filters it through a pod that is filled with coffee grounds. It's fast - you can make a cup of coffee in under a minute. It's also simple to make.

imageThe Senseo machine has two pod holders. One is shallow enough for single cups, and one that is a bit deeper to hold double cups. The patented pressurized system produces an abundant layer of crema coffee.

Senseo Original XL

The Senseo Original XL single serve pod and coffee maker is simple to use and makes a great cup. It is also cheaper than a filter for coffee and grounds. There are many varieties of Senseo pods and coffee that can be used to suit any preference and occasion. This makes it a sought-after gift for coffee lovers of all different ages.


The Senseo coffee machine's unique brewing technique creates a thick layer of crema in each cup of coffee. This crema is not cream, but is what provides Senseo its distinctive flavor and aroma. The crema layer also helps to shield every cup of Senseo coffee from heat and keeps the coffee hot and fresh.

senseo coffee pod machine brews every pod at the ideal temperature. A cup of Senseo is ready in 30 seconds to one minute after pressing the button. Compared to other coffee makers, phillips senseo coffee machine produces much stronger, more bitter-free, and more flavorful coffee. The Senseo machine is simple to clean and requires only occasional descaling.

How much coffee does SENSEO make at each time?

The senseo single serve - related webpage, Coffee Maker can make up to two cups at a time. This allows users to take a hot cup of coffee with a friend or a partner. However, it might not be appropriate for households that consume more than two cups of coffee at once.


The coffee used in the Senseo single cup brewing system is made up of Arabica beans that have been washed, ground and top quality. The coffee beans are placed inside a patent-pending micro-filter bag that is filled with water. The Senseo machine is programmed to give the right amount of water and pressure in order to extract the best flavour out of the beans without overheating.


The SENSEO coffee maker makes use of the power of the steam that is released from boiling water to brew each individual cup. The coffee that is brewed is rich, aromatic and full-bodied. It has natural sweetness and balanced acidity. Senseo's unique filtering method ensures that the coffee is clean of impurities.


The Senseo single serve coffee maker can be used to make tea and coffee. This can be a great blessing for anyone who drinks tea and does not own or want to purchase a separate filter machine. It's also quicker and easier to use than a traditional filter coffee machine because you don't need to boil the kettle or make ground coffee. The tea bags are placed into the Senseo machine and then pressed down on the lever. The Senseo coffee maker then pours hot water into your mug through the tea bag. The Senseo machine is easy to use and will be loved by anyone who loves coffee and/or tea.

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