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Now if i was thinking long trades only, I'd personally then examine the 5 min chart and see which way the stoch line being. If is actually very heading down and approaching the 20 level (oversold), I am now looking towards it to show up before I enter a do business. What I for you to see, could be the stoch appear and break through huge ability these lines of horizontal type to the upside. When it happens, once that 5 min candle closes, Let me open a long trade for your open from the new candlestick. I always loose time waiting for confirmation then the candle has to shut to make sure the horizontal line is in fact crossed to the upside.

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I ran across Lee Stanford at an event in London a pair years gone. He used to be an internationally successful rugby player. As he retired as a rugby player he took up trading and have become extremely successful at it. He was so successful at trading, he started his own school to coach others how to become successful traders. University he started, Trading College, is now one belonging to the most successful and respected trading schools in the UK, and runs regular courses on day trading, spread betting, swing trading and fx.

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