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Which nespresso expert machine compatible nespresso pod coffee machines machine - stes.tyc.edu.Tw, Original Machine is Right For You?

imageThere are a variety of different nespresso original coffee machine machines available, and deciding which one is right for you can be a bit confusing. We're here to help you narrow it down.

Original machines come with simplified brewing, with 19 bars of pressure for excellent espresso. Some models also have a built in milk frother to make a quick, easy cappuccino and latte.

1. Simple to use

This is among the easiest models to use with its simple dial and digital display. It comes with a small water tank as well as an automatic shutoff feature. Although this machine makes a good cup of espresso, it isn't as flavorful as some other nespresso coffee machine with milk frother machines, including the Jones Brothers and Bestpresso models. You can improve your brewing experience by adding other accessories, such as espresso spoons and cups. This machine belongs to the Original category, rather than Vertuo, so it only utilizes white nespresso coffee machine capsules.

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