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Interested in best practices for LinkedIn video? Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Instagram was founded on visual content. The platform was made to showcase compelling pictures and videos, but the right combination of words will promote engagement on any post. Engagement, of course, is crucial to maximizing your content’s reach, since Instagram’s algorithm places posts with the most Likes and comments near the top of your followers’ feeds. A successful Instagram caption adds context, shows off your brand’s personality, entertains audiences, and compels your followers to take action. The Instagram caption limit is 2,200 characters. But you’ll only need a fraction of that limit to move the needle (as our very scientific experiment about caption lengths can attest). Most people scroll through their feed quickly, so it makes sense to keep your captions clear, concise, and punchy. Brief copy is easy to consume. It also doesn’t get cut off with an ellipsis. Need some writing inspo?

Of the 378,561 reviews we analyzed, 233,283 had country data associated with them. The results of this graph are interesting. It looks as if reviewers in countries that are English-speaking or have a high proportion of English speakers (European countries, for example), tend to write longer reviews than their peers in Asian and Middle Eastern Countries. Of the 378,561 reviews we analyzed, 319,736 were associated with a Web of Science Subject Category. We grouped the categories into higher-level fields to analyze the way review length varied by broad disciplines. It must be noted that any review for a journal that has more than one Web of Science subject category was included in the fields for both-or all-categories, which is the reason a higher percentage of reviews are counted towards commonly associated fields (Biology and Medicine, for example). It would seem that reviews in disciplines where the articles tend to be more discussion-based, (Psychology, Environmental Sciences, Arts and Humanities, for example) are longer than fields where the articles would be more like proofs (e.g. Mathematics), or fields where research articles often appear as pre-prints (e.g. Physics).

After a heated argument in Bismarck's office, Wilhelm-to whom Bismarck had shown a letter from Tsar Alexander III describing Wilhelm as a "badly brought-up boy"-stormed out, after first ordering the rescinding of the Cabinet Order enacted in 1851 by Frederick William IV of Prussia, which had forbidden Prussian Cabinet Ministers from reporting directly to the King of Prussia and required them instead to report via the Prussian Prime Minister. Bismarck, forced for the first time into a situation that he could not use to his advantage, wrote a blistering letter of resignation, decrying Wilhelm's interference in foreign and domestic policy. The letter, however, was published only after Bismarck's death. He was succeeded as Imperial Chancellor and Minister President of Prussia by Leo von Caprivi. After his dismissal he was promoted to the rank of "Colonel-General with the Dignity of Field Marshal", so-called because the German Army did not appoint full Field Marshals in peacetime. He was also given a new title, Duke of Lauenburg, which he joked would be useful when traveling incognito.

It was then resolved that as Mr. S Williams and Mr Marsh, both members of the Church, have for a long time neglected to attend on any of the ordinances of religion amongst us, and reports being in circulation unfavourable to the Christian character of the former, the brethren Green & Wilson be requested to converse with them and report the result of their conversation to the Church. Mary Williams cannot be blamed for this debacle. When Thomas died, she was left with a heavily mortgaged business and little capital outside her own limited resources. Her husband's partner had died just eight weeks before he did and she only had her two eldest sons, Thomas Sydney, aged 18, John, aged 15, and a nephew aged 19, still serving their apprenticeships, to help her run it. Although John was listed as one of the partners when the business was dissolved in 1809, it is unlikely that he played an active part in the conduct of its affairs and he does not feature in the account of its collapse.There was probably, at this time, considerable prejudice against women engaged in business and she had five other children between the ages of 4 and 16 to care for, although Henry, the third son, joined the Navy as a midshipman two years later. The final nail in the coffin was the extreme depression that hit the industry in the first few years of the 19th century, culminating in the Luddite riots of 1811 described earlier.

How Long Does It Take to Read 4 Pages? Answer: A 4-page count will take about 6.7 minutes to read for the average reader. You may read faster or slower depending on your reading speed, but in general adults typically read at about 300 words per minute (wpm) when reading for pleasure. However, denser technical material such as repair guides, machine manuals, or complicated scientific studies typically require more focus and attention for comprehension which can slow reading speeds down to 125 wpm. College students typically need to be able to read at 400-450 wpm in order to quickly consume textbook content. Documents that typically contain 4 pages are memos, high school and college essays, short blog posts, and news articles. Use our online word count tool to quickly count how many words are in your blog post, article, or essay and to quickly see how long it will take to read. The following table will tell you how long it will take to read typical page counts. How Long Should a Novella Be? How Long Does It Take to Read 25 Pages? How Long Does It Take to Read 10 Pages? How Long Should a Novella Be? How Long Does It Take to Read 25 Pages? How Long Does It Take to Read 10 Pages? How Long Does It Take to Read 9 Pages? How Long Does It Take to Read 8 Pages?

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