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Buying a Double Pram and pushchair car seat

If your family is growing with the birth of a second child, or you have two children that are close in age, a double pram is the best option. Joolz offers a variety of single prams which can be converted into double buggies.

imageDouble prams with side-by-side seating place your children in front of each other, usually towards the world. Some also offer seats that face parents.


Your child's safety is a top consideration when choosing the double pram or pushchair. Make sure that the model you pick has the appropriate padding as well as a safety harness, and reclining places for both seats. You might also look into a footrest as well as sun canopy for additional comfort and security.

Your family's lifestyle will impact on which type of double stroller or pushchair is the best for you. If you're a busy urban family, you'll likely prefer a stroller that is able to navigate urban streets and squeeze through narrow doorways for those lunch dates or shopping trips with your kids with you.

You might decide to choose a side-by-side double pram or pushchair, which lets your children sit together and can help encourage the bonding between siblings. You could also consider a twin pushchair that can accommodate two carrycots and seat units. It is ideal for babies or toddlers who are of similar age.

Many double prams or pushchairs feature a parent-facing mode which provides parents with peace of mind by making it simple to check on their child. Some models even come with additional padding to ensure your child's comfort and ergonomic support to ensure their spine is healthy.

A reversible pram is a ideal option for families that enjoy outdoor adventures. This will allow your kids to change the direction and surroundings of their journey, so that they do not get bored.

It is important to ensure whether the pushchair can fold flat so that you can put it in your car and take it out. Also, make sure that the model you choose will fit through important doorways at home. If you are unsure then measure the width of your door and compare it to the size of the pram.


If you have a toddler and expecting a new baby, buying a double stroller is likely to be one of the most essential baby products that you'll need. If you love going for long walks or full day trips with your kids, a double pram allows you to enjoy family adventures together in a safe, comfortable and easily.

When you are choosing a double stroller, it is essential to make sure the seats are comfy for your babies They should have padded harnesses and recline to a flat position to allow them to sleep comfortably throughout the day. Find a double stroller equipped with a large, spacious basket, seat-back pocket, adjustable handlebars and a range of colors that suit your style. Some double prams come with a shade that can shield your children from the sun's rays, and rain covers that can be extended to keep them dry and comfortable on rainy days.

A side by side double pram, or tandem pram, is a fantastic option to make sure that your children face each other and look out at the world around them as they ride. Many double prams that are side by side are suitable from birth and offer options for both carrying a carrycot or toddler car seat in the rear and a infant car seat in the front.

Tandem prams are also great for siblings who may be similar in age or have a large age difference between them. They often include two toddler seats which can be set forward or facing the parent. They also have adjustable sun canopy, as well as adapters for toddler carseats.

The egg2 is a top choice for families looking for a stylish and functional double pushchair. Its sleek design makes it easy to navigate through narrow spaces and can fit in the boot of a small car. It's also available in a range of colors and comes with an expansive shopping basket, a footmuff, and adapters for infant car seats.

The bugaboo donkey is a lightweight stroller that is easy to move. It's perfect for families with children who are older. It's nimble enough for running and car seat pram comes with air-filled tyres which allow it to glide effortlessly on rough roads.


When you are looking for a double pram, it's worth taking into consideration the design of the product as this will influence the overall look and feel of your pushchair. Some double prams sport an elegant and modern look while others have a classic timeless appearance. If you're looking for a double stroller and have a specific style in mind, then check out our ranges of designer and brand prams. They come in a variety colours.

A side-by-side double stroller is among the most popular types. These are great for transporting two children side by side typically in a world-facing orientation (although there are some alternatives that allow your children to be facing each other). This type of double foldable stroller is slightly larger than a tandem or an in-line double buggy, but it is a lot easier to maneuver through doorways and public transport.

Tandem double prams (in-line) are great for families with children of the same age. They can be utilized with an adapter for car seats from the beginning and come with bassinets or seats that are positioned 'in line in line', with one behind the other. These models are very versatile because they can be converted to a single pushchair anytime you'd like.

Many parents who are first-time parents choose one pram sale that is able to convert to a double, like the Joolz DUO2. When you're ready for bub number two this stroller transforms into a tandem pushchair so you can take both your little ones out for a stroll with ease. It also features an ample undercarriage basket, as well as an extended SPF 50+ canopy that will help protect your baby from the sun.

The footmuffs are an accessory that can be used in colder weather to keep your baby warm. They are wrapped around the bottom of the stroller. They are made of a soft, warm fabric with a waterproof outer. They can be purchased separately or as part the bundle. Many brands include a footmuff with their pram bundles or sell them as an item in their accessories range.


A double pram should provide enough storage space for everything you require for your travels. Find a large basket that can hold all the bags and snacks of toys for your kids, and an adult tray under the handle to keep your phone and keys.

The most effective double prams come with numerous seating options that offer you the option of choosing whether your children sit in a row or in front of the other. You can even configure them to face the same direction, or in different ways to get them to interact. Seats can be repositioned to make napping easier.

Check if the seats can be reversed since you'll be able to swap the seats based on your plans for the day. You should also look for harnesses and footrests that are padded to ensure that your children are comfortable throughout your trip.

If you are able, verify whether the fabric of the pushchair is machine washable. This will avoid the headache of washing by hand any muddy spots that show up during your journey. You can also use the pressure washer or hose to clean off wet dirt, or a soft brush and a gentle sterilising liquid for more resistant marks.

If you're looking for a double stroller to help your family be prepared for the future, an tandem (in-line) model will give you the most flexibility and flexibility. They typically include two toddler seats, as well as adaptors that allow you to use them from the moment your baby is born. They can also have a removable jump seat or standing platform to allow your older child to join in on the fun.

The Joolz Twin Trouble is a lightweight twin pram that folds extremely compactly.image

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