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Meat grinder is an example of set of linked simple mechanisms that make work more efficient when handling meat. Here's a breakdown of these components:Here's a
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Simple Machines (engineering)

READ MORE HERE⤵️ Save this information to view later Follow me @perfectpowderbrows to learn how toWhat is a power machines throw?

Asked by Wiki User

"Power machines throw" normally relates to the reach whereby force can be imposed or an item shifted by a given machine. This concept is important in many disci
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Hand Tools


Who created the hammer?

Asked by Wiki User

A criação do martelo, como ferramenta, não é atribuída a um único inventor ou uma única pessoa, já que o martelo é uma ferramenta muito antiga que evoluiu ao lo
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Simple Machines (engineering)

What kind of simple machine is a bumper car?

Asked by Wiki User

machine. However, Recommended Reading it incorporates several simple machines within its design: Wheel and Axle: The wheels and their axles on the bumper car allow it to move smo
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What is an object that is tapered to a thin edge?

Asked by Wiki User

A dagger is an example of an object that is tapered to a thin edge.

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