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Joinery and Manufacturing Aberdeen

In Frozen Elsa needed a touch of magic to create an Ice Winter Wonderland but in the Granite City it took a consortium of businessmen to build the fabulous Aberdeen Glaciarium on Forbesfield Road. It was a spectacular edifice, a huge draw for skating enthusiasts and curlers from across the north-east and the envy of Scotland.
It was built of corrugated iron painted oxide red on a steel frame and when it opened in 1911 it could accommodate up to 2,400 people. The Press & Journal and Evening Express ran breathless reports of hockey matches, curling bonspiels and other events at the Glaciarium.

Joinery and Manufacturing Aberdeen

Joinery Services Aberdeen, One such event in November 2018 ended badly for 41-year old Brian Strachan, who was conducting a thorough clean of a UV Lacquer Line machine (which are used to apply a lacquer finish to veneered door and panel products). He was sanding a door and then cleaning a part of the mechanism when it suddenly sprung open. The interlock device had been defeated and the fastenings on the actuator were unbolted – which meant that the switch could not have been operated.

imageThe company said that Mr Strachan had been carrying out a routine maintenance task and that he was fully suited to the work he was doing. However the firm had failed to carry out a proper risk assessment of the machine and had not carried out an effective check procedure that would have highlighted that the interlock device was not working.

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