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Nespresso Commercial Machine Review

white nespresso machines capsules are barcoded, which allows them to be identified and matched to the correct capsule. The nespresso u machine utilizes this information to create the perfect drink.

imageThis Vertuo nespresso coffee machine with milk frother is user-friendly and looks great. It's a very versatile nespresso machine amazon that makes ristrettos or espressos, lungos, and milk-based drinks.

imageEasy to customize

The Vertuo line of machines can make more than espressos. They also make 5- eight-, 18- and 10-ounce coffees. They use capsules embossed with a barcode that tells the nespresso u machine what to make and then spins them at a high speed for fast, easy extraction. Its low profile makes it easy to store, and a removable water tank reduces your maintenance needs. It is energy efficient and can be brewed using whole, 2%, or almond milk. It also can be programmed to set the temperature to ensure consistency and accuracy. The only drawback is its small reservoir. The water tank weighs only 11.5 ounces. This is lower than other machines.

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