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Medication and Drugs

Which came first penicillin

pyramids or typewriters?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Pyramids may date back as far as 5,000 B.C. Research is going on in Sudan. Some day you may join a dig looking for the e
est ones.

s trimethoprim?


Why does the penicillin

make you feel soo tired?<<br>


Is candida

sceptible to penicillin?<<br>

Is there p

moksifloksasien Mg?


If you are allergic to pen

you take clarithromycin?

ked by Wiki User

There is no cross sensitivity between penicillin and tetracycline. They are not in the same family of antibiotics. Your
or will p


Does pencillin heals

bacterial infection?

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin is effective against many types of bacterial infections, but not all. It is mainly used to treat infections c
d by cert


How many

of penicillin?

b>Asked by Wiki User

The concentration of penicillin would be needed to convert milligrams to milliliters. Penicillin concentration can vary,
if you kn

Why doe

not affect human cells?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin specifically targets the cell walls of bacteria by interfering with their synthesis. Human cells do not have
walls, w


How the exposure to penicillin affects the survival

teria in the population?

y Wiki User

Exposure to penicillin can lead to the survival of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a population as non-resistant bacteria are killed off, 정?


What is the ma

of ureterosigmoidoscopy?


by GaleEncyofSurgery

Ureterosigmoidoscopy allows for direct visualization and inspection of the lower urinary tract using a flexible endoscop


How do Angiotensin-co

yme inhibitors work?

ked by Wiki User

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors work by blocking the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a pow
l vasocon

Is penicillin more effective aga

gative or Gram positive?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin is more effective against Gram positive bacteria. This is because the peptidoglycan layer of Gram negative ba
ia acts a


How does pe

gger an immune response?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin can bind to proteins in the body, forming a complex that the immune system recognizes as foreign. This can tr
r an immu


How does pen

as an enzyme inhibitor?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin works by inhibiting the enzyme transpeptidase, which is involved in the formation of the bacterial cell wall.



Certain bacteria produce a chemical that makes them resistant to penicillin since these bacteria reproduce asexua

ally produce offspring that?

ked by Wiki User

Carry the same resistance to penicillin as the parent bacteria. This resistance is usually conferred through genetic mut
ns or acq


Which antibiotic resistance marker is not used for

gram negative bacteria?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

An antibiotic resistance marker not commonly used for cloning in gram negative bacteria is vancomycin resistance. This i
cause van



Does penicillin kill gram ne

am positive or both?

y Wiki User

Penicillin primarily targets and is more effective against gram-positive bacteria by disrupting their cell wall synthesi
t is less

Medication and ?


The use of micrognism and fermenters to manufacture the antibiotic penicilin and enzyme

biological washing powde

b>Asked by Wiki User

Microorganisms like Penicillium fungi are grown in fermenters where they produce penicillin. The same process can be use



does penicillin grow on?<<br>

b>Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin was discovered as a product of the mold Penicillium notatum. This mold is generally found on the skin of oran
and lemon



es penicillin come from?

ed by Wiki User

Penicillin is actually derived from the Penicillium mold, specifically the species Penicillium chrysogenum. It was the f



lin fungi come from?

y Wiki User

Penicillin is produced by certain types of fungi, 비닉스필름구매 specifically Penicillium molds. These molds can be found in the envir
nt, such






icillin a base or a acid?

Asked by Wiki User

Penicillin is an acid. It contains a beta-lactam ring that confers its antibacterial properties, but the molecule overa
s conside




What phase is most susceptible to antibiotics?

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