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4) Don't over-rely on meta tags for desirable rankings. Sometimes when a programmer builds a website he assumes that meta data alone help the google page rank correctly, and well. Meta tags, though, are much more like an accessory rather approach whole garment. No one would go to an elegant function wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt, possess a designer hand bag and imagine that they were dressed up enough being admitted.

Your title tag could be the most important tag. It tells the spiders kind of website. Don't moment putting firm name in this particular tag. Use the tag to specify the main keywords your page an individual trying to position well by having. For example, instead of Big Guys Inc describe your business in search terms. Try Large Printing Specialists. Make sure to limit the title tag to 100 characters or less, which don't get flagged for keyword padding.

Your website is composed of pages, images, and other files that should be readable to browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, 검색엔진최적화 마케팅 Safari, Google Chrome, 구글상위노출 업체 etc. Most pages could be created in notepad and saved the html (.html) extension. HTML codes for page layout are past the scope of such a article, although i will discuss a few Meta tags which each and every site NEEDS: Title Tag, Keywords Tag, and Description Tag. In addition to these, you will need keyword rich pages with content relevant to your description, title, and keywords tag.

3) Produce trick search engines with deceptive tags. In the past of search engines, this trick sometimes worked. However, search engine programmers got wise to this one swiftly. If the keywords in your meta tags are completely different from the ones in real text, they'll ignore or ban your page and maybe even the whole site.

The website I used was a friend of mines, his ranking was bad and 검색엔진최적화 seo I new this may not be messed up anymore. I studied his competitors and began building and changing code. While i got your site set up, I submitted it to as many search engine directories as i could using software. Brought home him in and began watching the rankings. when compared to the days past he started gaining positions daily, with no back links or every other form of advertisement we have his site into five good 10 under his crucial phrase.

Meta tags appear right after your (HEAD) tag with your page end a problem closing (/Head) tag. Will be all at the top of your HTML insurance coverage. You can't break anything by changing the meta tags, just affect what search engines and people will get when they receive internet traffic.

So a value of "NOINDEX" allows the subsidiary links to be explored, although the page is not indexed. A price of "NOFOLLOW" allows the page to become indexed, but no links from the page are explored (this may help if the page can be a free access point into pay-per-view content, for instance. A value of "NONE" tells the robot to overlook the page.

1) Don't over-use meta tags. Enclosing every other word of one's text with one are going to viewed as "spam" the actual search power generators. Search engines hate spam, and will not need to be manipulated. Anyone use this tactic, motors like google may either ignore the page or drop it from its rankings whole.

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